updateSubscriptionAllowed method

  1. @internal
Future<bool> updateSubscriptionAllowed(
  1. bool allowed


// Update internal var and return true if changed
Future<bool> updateSubscriptionAllowed(bool allowed) async {
  if (_subscriptionAllowed == allowed) return false;
  _subscriptionAllowed = allowed;

  logger.fine('updateSubscriptionAllowed allowed: ${allowed}');
  // emit events
    participant: participant,
    publication: this,
    state: subscriptionState,

  if (!_subscriptionAllowed && super.subscribed /* track != null */) {
    // Ideally, we should wait for WebRTC's onRemoveTrack event
    // but it does not work reliably across platforms.
    // So for now we will assume remove track succeeded.
    [participant.events, participant.room.events].emit(TrackUnsubscribedEvent(
      participant: participant,
      track: track!,
      publication: this,
    // Simply set to null for now
    await updateTrack(null);

  return true;