Module livekit.agents.ipc.proc_job_executor
class LogQueueListener (duplex: utils.aio.duplex_unix._Duplex, prepare_fnc: Callable[[logging.LogRecord], None])
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class LogQueueListener: def __init__( self, duplex: utils.aio.duplex_unix._Duplex, prepare_fnc: Callable[[logging.LogRecord], None], ): self._thread: threading.Thread | None = None self._duplex = duplex self._prepare_fnc = prepare_fnc def start(self) -> None: self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitor, name="ipc_log_listener") self._thread.start() def stop(self) -> None: if self._thread is None: return self._duplex.close() self._thread.join() self._thread = None def handle(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: self._prepare_fnc(record) lger = logging.getLogger( if not lger.isEnabledFor(record.levelno): return lger.callHandlers(record) def _monitor(self): while True: try: data = self._duplex.recv_bytes() except utils.aio.duplex_unix.DuplexClosed: break record = pickle.loads(data) self.handle(record)
def handle(self, record: logging.LogRecord) ‑> None
def start(self) ‑> None
def stop(self) ‑> None
class ProcJobExecutor (*, initialize_process_fnc: Callable[[JobProcess], Any], job_entrypoint_fnc: Callable[[JobContext], Awaitable[None]], initialize_timeout: float, close_timeout: float, mp_ctx: BaseContext, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop)
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class ProcJobExecutor: def __init__( self, *, initialize_process_fnc: Callable[[JobProcess], Any], job_entrypoint_fnc: Callable[[JobContext], Awaitable[None]], initialize_timeout: float, close_timeout: float, mp_ctx: BaseContext, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> None: self._loop = loop self._opts = _ProcOpts( initialize_process_fnc=initialize_process_fnc, job_entrypoint_fnc=job_entrypoint_fnc, initialize_timeout=initialize_timeout, close_timeout=close_timeout, mp_ctx=mp_ctx, ) self._user_args: Any | None = None self._running_job: RunningJobInfo | None = None self._exitcode: int | None = None self._pid: int | None = None self._exception: Exception | None = None self._main_atask: asyncio.Task[None] | None = None self._closing = False self._kill_sent = False self._initialize_fut = asyncio.Future[None]() self._lock = asyncio.Lock() @property def exitcode(self) -> int | None: return self._exitcode @property def killed(self) -> bool: return self._kill_sent @property def pid(self) -> int | None: return self._pid @property def started(self) -> bool: return self._main_atask is not None @property def start_arguments(self) -> Any | None: return self._user_args @start_arguments.setter def start_arguments(self, value: Any | None) -> None: self._user_args = value @property def running_job(self) -> RunningJobInfo | None: return self._running_job @property def exception(self) -> Exception | None: return self._exception @property def run_status(self) -> RunStatus: if not self._running_job: if self.started: return RunStatus.WAITING_FOR_JOB else: return RunStatus.STARTING if not self._main_atask: return RunStatus.STARTING if self._main_atask.done(): if self.exception: return RunStatus.FINISHED_FAILED else: return RunStatus.FINISHED_CLEAN else: return RunStatus.RUNNING_JOB async def start(self) -> None: """start the job process""" if self.started: raise RuntimeError("process already started") if self._closing: raise RuntimeError("process is closed") await asyncio.shield(self._start()) async def _start(self) -> None: def _add_proc_ctx_log(record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: extra = self.logging_extra() for key, value in extra.items(): setattr(record, key, value) async with self._lock: mp_pch, mp_cch = socket.socketpair() mp_log_pch, mp_log_cch = socket.socketpair() self._pch = await log_pch = log_listener = LogQueueListener(log_pch, _add_proc_ctx_log) log_listener.start() self._proc_args = job_main.ProcStartArgs( initialize_process_fnc=self._opts.initialize_process_fnc, job_entrypoint_fnc=self._opts.job_entrypoint_fnc, log_cch=mp_log_cch, mp_cch=mp_cch, asyncio_debug=self._loop.get_debug(), user_arguments=self._user_args, ) self._proc = self._opts.mp_ctx.Process( # type: ignore target=proc_lazy_main.proc_main, args=(self._proc_args,), name="job_proc", ) self._proc.start() mp_log_cch.close() mp_cch.close() self._pid = self._join_fut = asyncio.Future[None]() def _sync_run(): self._proc.join() log_listener.stop() try: self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._join_fut.set_result, None) except RuntimeError: pass thread = threading.Thread(target=_sync_run, name="proc_join_thread") thread.start() self._main_atask = asyncio.create_task(self._main_task()) async def join(self) -> None: """wait for the job process to finish""" if not self.started: raise RuntimeError("process not started") async with self._lock: if self._main_atask: await asyncio.shield(self._main_atask) async def initialize(self) -> None: """initialize the job process, this is calling the user provided initialize_process_fnc raise asyncio.TimeoutError if initialization times out""" await channel.asend_message(self._pch, proto.InitializeRequest()) # wait for the process to become ready try: init_res = await asyncio.wait_for( channel.arecv_message(self._pch, proto.IPC_MESSAGES), timeout=self._opts.initialize_timeout, ) assert isinstance( init_res, proto.InitializeResponse ), "first message must be InitializeResponse" except asyncio.TimeoutError: self._initialize_fut.set_exception( asyncio.TimeoutError("process initialization timed out") ) logger.error( "initialization timed out, killing job", extra=self.logging_extra() ) self._send_kill_signal() raise except Exception as e: # should be channel.ChannelClosed most of the time self._exception = JobExecutorError_Runtime() self._initialize_fut.set_exception(e) raise else: self._initialize_fut.set_result(None) async def aclose(self) -> None: """attempt to gracefully close the job process""" if not self.started: return self._closing = True with contextlib.suppress(utils.aio.duplex_unix.DuplexClosed): await channel.asend_message(self._pch, proto.ShutdownRequest()) try: if self._main_atask: await asyncio.wait_for( asyncio.shield(self._main_atask), timeout=self._opts.close_timeout ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: logger.error( "process did not exit in time, killing job", extra=self.logging_extra() ) self._exception = JobExecutorError_ShutdownTimeout() self._send_kill_signal() async with self._lock: if self._main_atask: await asyncio.shield(self._main_atask) async def kill(self) -> None: """forcefully kill the job process""" if not self.started: raise RuntimeError("process not started") self._closing = True self._send_kill_signal() async with self._lock: if self._main_atask: await asyncio.shield(self._main_atask) async def launch_job(self, info: RunningJobInfo) -> None: """start/assign a job to the process""" if self._running_job is not None: raise RuntimeError("process already has a running job") self._running_job = info start_req = proto.StartJobRequest() start_req.running_job = info await channel.asend_message(self._pch, start_req) def _send_kill_signal(self) -> None: """forcefully kill the job process""" try: if not self._proc.is_alive(): return except ValueError: return"killing job process", extra=self.logging_extra()) if sys.platform == "win32": self._proc.terminate() else: self._proc.kill() self._kill_sent = True @utils.log_exceptions(logger=logger) async def _main_task(self) -> None: try: await self._initialize_fut except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass # this happens when the initialization takes longer than self._initialize_timeout except Exception: pass # initialization failed # the process is killed if it doesn't respond to ping requests pong_timeout = utils.aio.sleep(proto.PING_TIMEOUT) ping_task = asyncio.create_task(self._ping_pong_task(pong_timeout)) monitor_task = asyncio.create_task(self._monitor_task(pong_timeout)) await self._join_fut self._exitcode = self._proc.exitcode self._proc.close() await utils.aio.gracefully_cancel(ping_task, monitor_task) with contextlib.suppress(duplex_unix.DuplexClosed): await self._pch.aclose() if self._exitcode != 0 and not self._kill_sent: self._exception = JobExecutorError_Runtime() logger.error( f"job process exited with non-zero exit code {self.exitcode}", extra=self.logging_extra(), ) @utils.log_exceptions(logger=logger) async def _monitor_task(self, pong_timeout: utils.aio.Sleep) -> None: while True: try: msg = await channel.arecv_message(self._pch, proto.IPC_MESSAGES) except utils.aio.duplex_unix.DuplexClosed: break if isinstance(msg, proto.PongResponse): delay = utils.time_ms() - msg.timestamp if delay > proto.HIGH_PING_THRESHOLD * 1000: logger.warning( "job process is unresponsive", extra={"delay": delay, **self.logging_extra()}, ) with contextlib.suppress(utils.aio.SleepFinished): pong_timeout.reset() if isinstance(msg, proto.Exiting): "job exiting", extra={"reason": msg.reason, **self.logging_extra()} ) @utils.log_exceptions(logger=logger) async def _ping_pong_task(self, pong_timeout: utils.aio.Sleep) -> None: ping_interval = utils.aio.interval(proto.PING_INTERVAL) async def _send_ping_co(): while True: await ping_interval.tick() try: await channel.asend_message( self._pch, proto.PingRequest(timestamp=utils.time_ms()) ) except utils.aio.duplex_unix.DuplexClosed: break async def _pong_timeout_co(): await pong_timeout logger.error("job is unresponsive, killing job", extra=self.logging_extra()) self._exception = JobExecutorError_Unresponsive() self._send_kill_signal() tasks = [ asyncio.create_task(_send_ping_co()), asyncio.create_task(_pong_timeout_co()), ] try: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) finally: await utils.aio.gracefully_cancel(*tasks) def logging_extra(self): extra: dict[str, Any] = { "pid":, } if self._running_job: extra["job_id"] = return extra
Instance variables
prop exception : Exception | None
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@property def exception(self) -> Exception | None: return self._exception
prop exitcode : int | None
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@property def exitcode(self) -> int | None: return self._exitcode
prop killed : bool
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@property def killed(self) -> bool: return self._kill_sent
prop pid : int | None
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@property def pid(self) -> int | None: return self._pid
prop run_status : RunStatus
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@property def run_status(self) -> RunStatus: if not self._running_job: if self.started: return RunStatus.WAITING_FOR_JOB else: return RunStatus.STARTING if not self._main_atask: return RunStatus.STARTING if self._main_atask.done(): if self.exception: return RunStatus.FINISHED_FAILED else: return RunStatus.FINISHED_CLEAN else: return RunStatus.RUNNING_JOB
prop running_job : RunningJobInfo | None
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@property def running_job(self) -> RunningJobInfo | None: return self._running_job
prop start_arguments : Any | None
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@property def start_arguments(self) -> Any | None: return self._user_args
prop started : bool
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@property def started(self) -> bool: return self._main_atask is not None
async def aclose(self) ‑> None
attempt to gracefully close the job process
async def initialize(self) ‑> None
initialize the job process, this is calling the user provided initialize_process_fnc raise asyncio.TimeoutError if initialization times out
async def join(self) ‑> None
wait for the job process to finish
async def kill(self) ‑> None
forcefully kill the job process
async def launch_job(self, info: RunningJobInfo) ‑> None
start/assign a job to the process
def logging_extra(self)
async def start(self) ‑> None
start the job process