Module livekit.api.livekit_api


class LiveKitAPI (url: str | None = None,
api_key: str | None = None,
api_secret: str | None = None,
timeout: aiohttp.client.ClientTimeout = ClientTimeout(total=60, connect=None, sock_read=None, sock_connect=None, ceil_threshold=5))
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class LiveKitAPI:
    """LiveKit Server API Client

    This class is the main entrypoint, which exposes all services.


    from livekit import api
    lkapi = api.LiveKitAPI()
    rooms = await['test-room']))

    def __init__(
        url: Optional[str] = None,
        api_key: Optional[str] = None,
        api_secret: Optional[str] = None,
        timeout: aiohttp.ClientTimeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=60),  # 60 seconds
        """Create a new LiveKitAPI instance.

            url: LiveKit server URL (read from `LIVEKIT_URL` environment variable if not provided)
            api_key: API key (read from `LIVEKIT_API_KEY` environment variable if not provided)
            api_secret: API secret (read from `LIVEKIT_API_SECRET` environment variable if not provided)
            timeout: Request timeout (default: 60 seconds)
        url = url or os.getenv("LIVEKIT_URL")
        api_key = api_key or os.getenv("LIVEKIT_API_KEY")
        api_secret = api_secret or os.getenv("LIVEKIT_API_SECRET")

        if not url:
            raise ValueError("url must be set")

        if not api_key or not api_secret:
            raise ValueError("api_key and api_secret must be set")

        self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout)
        self._room = RoomService(self._session, url, api_key, api_secret)
        self._ingress = IngressService(self._session, url, api_key, api_secret)
        self._egress = EgressService(self._session, url, api_key, api_secret)
        self._sip = SipService(self._session, url, api_key, api_secret)
        self._agent_dispatch = AgentDispatchService(
            self._session, url, api_key, api_secret

    def agent_dispatch(self) -> AgentDispatchService:
        """Instance of the AgentDispatchService"""
        return self._agent_dispatch

    def room(self) -> RoomService:
        """Instance of the RoomService"""
        return self._room

    def ingress(self) -> IngressService:
        """Instance of the IngressService"""
        return self._ingress

    def egress(self) -> EgressService:
        """Instance of the EgressService"""
        return self._egress

    def sip(self) -> SipService:
        """Instance of the SipService"""
        return self._sip

    async def aclose(self):
        """Close the API client

        Call this before your application exits or when the API client is no longer needed."""
        await self._session.close()

    async def __aenter__(self):

        Support for `async with`"""
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

        Support for `async with`"""
        await self.aclose()

LiveKit Server API Client

This class is the main entrypoint, which exposes all services.


from livekit import api
lkapi = api.LiveKitAPI()
rooms = await['test-room']))

Create a new LiveKitAPI instance.


LiveKit server URL (read from LIVEKIT_URL environment variable if not provided)
API key (read from LIVEKIT_API_KEY environment variable if not provided)
API secret (read from LIVEKIT_API_SECRET environment variable if not provided)
Request timeout (default: 60 seconds)

Instance variables

prop agent_dispatchAgentDispatchService
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def agent_dispatch(self) -> AgentDispatchService:
    """Instance of the AgentDispatchService"""
    return self._agent_dispatch

Instance of the AgentDispatchService

prop egressEgressService
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def egress(self) -> EgressService:
    """Instance of the EgressService"""
    return self._egress

Instance of the EgressService

prop ingressIngressService
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def ingress(self) -> IngressService:
    """Instance of the IngressService"""
    return self._ingress

Instance of the IngressService

prop roomRoomService
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def room(self) -> RoomService:
    """Instance of the RoomService"""
    return self._room

Instance of the RoomService

prop sipSipService
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def sip(self) -> SipService:
    """Instance of the SipService"""
    return self._sip

Instance of the SipService


async def aclose(self)
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async def aclose(self):
    """Close the API client

    Call this before your application exits or when the API client is no longer needed."""
    await self._session.close()

Close the API client

Call this before your application exits or when the API client is no longer needed.