Module livekit.api.webhook


class WebhookEvent (*args, **kwargs)

A ProtocolMessage


  • google._upb._message.Message
  • google.protobuf.message.Message

Class variables

class WebhookReceiver (token_verifier: TokenVerifier)
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class WebhookReceiver:
    def __init__(self, token_verifier: TokenVerifier):
        self._verifier = token_verifier

    def receive(self, body: str, auth_token: str) -> WebhookEvent:
        claims = self._verifier.verify(auth_token)
        if claims.sha256 is None:
            raise Exception("sha256 was not found in the token")

        body_hash = hashlib.sha256(body.encode()).digest()
        claims_hash = base64.b64decode(claims.sha256)

        if body_hash != claims_hash:
            raise Exception("hash mismatch")

        return Parse(body, WebhookEvent(), ignore_unknown_fields=True)


def receive(self, body: str, auth_token: str) ‑> webhook.WebhookEvent
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def receive(self, body: str, auth_token: str) -> WebhookEvent:
    claims = self._verifier.verify(auth_token)
    if claims.sha256 is None:
        raise Exception("sha256 was not found in the token")

    body_hash = hashlib.sha256(body.encode()).digest()
    claims_hash = base64.b64decode(claims.sha256)

    if body_hash != claims_hash:
        raise Exception("hash mismatch")

    return Parse(body, WebhookEvent(), ignore_unknown_fields=True)