Module livekit.plugins.cartesia
class ChunkedStream (*,
tts: TTS,
input_text: str,
opts: _TTSOptions,
session: aiohttp.ClientSession,
conn_options: Optional[APIConnectOptions] = None)-
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class ChunkedStream(tts.ChunkedStream): """Synthesize chunked text using the bytes endpoint""" def __init__( self, *, tts: TTS, input_text: str, opts: _TTSOptions, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, conn_options: Optional[APIConnectOptions] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(tts=tts, input_text=input_text, conn_options=conn_options) self._opts, self._session = opts, session async def _run(self) -> None: request_id = utils.shortuuid() bstream = sample_rate=self._opts.sample_rate, num_channels=NUM_CHANNELS ) json = _to_cartesia_options(self._opts) json["transcript"] = self._input_text headers = { API_AUTH_HEADER: self._opts.api_key, API_VERSION_HEADER: API_VERSION, } try: async with self._opts.get_http_url("/tts/bytes"), headers=headers, json=json, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout( total=30, sock_connect=self._conn_options.timeout, ), ) as resp: resp.raise_for_status() emitter = tts.SynthesizedAudioEmitter( event_ch=self._event_ch, request_id=request_id, ) async for data, _ in resp.content.iter_chunks(): for frame in bstream.write(data): emitter.push(frame) for frame in bstream.flush(): emitter.push(frame) emitter.flush() except asyncio.TimeoutError as e: raise APITimeoutError() from e except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e: raise APIStatusError( message=e.message, status_code=e.status, request_id=None, body=None, ) from e except Exception as e: raise APIConnectionError() from e
Synthesize chunked text using the bytes endpoint
- ChunkedStream
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class TTS (*,
model: TTSModels | str = 'sonic',
language: str = 'en',
encoding: TTSEncoding = 'pcm_s16le',
voice: str | list[float] = '794f9389-aac1-45b6-b726-9d9369183238',
speed: TTSVoiceSpeed | float | None = None,
emotion: list[TTSVoiceEmotion | str] | None = None,
sample_rate: int = 24000,
api_key: str | None = None,
http_session: aiohttp.ClientSession | None = None,
base_url: str = '')-
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class TTS(tts.TTS): def __init__( self, *, model: TTSModels | str = "sonic", language: str = "en", encoding: TTSEncoding = "pcm_s16le", voice: str | list[float] = TTSDefaultVoiceId, speed: TTSVoiceSpeed | float | None = None, emotion: list[TTSVoiceEmotion | str] | None = None, sample_rate: int = 24000, api_key: str | None = None, http_session: aiohttp.ClientSession | None = None, base_url: str = "", ) -> None: """ Create a new instance of Cartesia TTS. See for more details on the the Cartesia API. Args: model (TTSModels, optional): The Cartesia TTS model to use. Defaults to "sonic-english". language (str, optional): The language code for synthesis. Defaults to "en". encoding (TTSEncoding, optional): The audio encoding format. Defaults to "pcm_s16le". voice (str | list[float], optional): The voice ID or embedding array. speed (TTSVoiceSpeed | float, optional): Voice Control - Speed ( emotion (list[TTSVoiceEmotion], optional): Voice Control - Emotion ( sample_rate (int, optional): The audio sample rate in Hz. Defaults to 24000. api_key (str, optional): The Cartesia API key. If not provided, it will be read from the CARTESIA_API_KEY environment variable. http_session (aiohttp.ClientSession | None, optional): An existing aiohttp ClientSession to use. If not provided, a new session will be created. base_url (str, optional): The base URL for the Cartesia API. Defaults to "". """ super().__init__( capabilities=tts.TTSCapabilities(streaming=True), sample_rate=sample_rate, num_channels=NUM_CHANNELS, ) api_key = api_key or os.environ.get("CARTESIA_API_KEY") if not api_key: raise ValueError("CARTESIA_API_KEY must be set") self._opts = _TTSOptions( model=model, language=language, encoding=encoding, sample_rate=sample_rate, voice=voice, speed=speed, emotion=emotion, api_key=api_key, base_url=base_url, ) self._session = http_session self._pool = utils.ConnectionPool[aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse]( connect_cb=self._connect_ws, close_cb=self._close_ws, max_session_duration=300, mark_refreshed_on_get=True, ) self._streams = weakref.WeakSet[SynthesizeStream]() async def _connect_ws(self) -> aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse: session = self._ensure_session() url = self._opts.get_ws_url( f"/tts/websocket?api_key={self._opts.api_key}&cartesia_version={API_VERSION}" ) return await asyncio.wait_for( session.ws_connect(url), self._conn_options.timeout ) async def _close_ws(self, ws: aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse): await ws.close() def _ensure_session(self) -> aiohttp.ClientSession: if not self._session: self._session = utils.http_context.http_session() return self._session def prewarm(self) -> None: self._pool.prewarm() def update_options( self, *, model: TTSModels | None = None, language: str | None = None, voice: str | list[float] | None = None, speed: TTSVoiceSpeed | float | None = None, emotion: list[TTSVoiceEmotion | str] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Update the Text-to-Speech (TTS) configuration options. This method allows updating the TTS settings, including model type, language, voice, speed, and emotion. If any parameter is not provided, the existing value will be retained. Args: model (TTSModels, optional): The Cartesia TTS model to use. Defaults to "sonic-english". language (str, optional): The language code for synthesis. Defaults to "en". voice (str | list[float], optional): The voice ID or embedding array. speed (TTSVoiceSpeed | float, optional): Voice Control - Speed ( emotion (list[TTSVoiceEmotion], optional): Voice Control - Emotion ( """ self._opts.model = model or self._opts.model self._opts.language = language or self._opts.language self._opts.voice = voice or self._opts.voice self._opts.speed = speed or self._opts.speed if emotion is not None: self._opts.emotion = emotion def synthesize( self, text: str, *, conn_options: Optional[APIConnectOptions] = None, ) -> ChunkedStream: return ChunkedStream( tts=self, input_text=text, conn_options=conn_options, opts=self._opts, session=self._ensure_session(), ) def stream( self, *, conn_options: Optional[APIConnectOptions] = None ) -> "SynthesizeStream": stream = SynthesizeStream( tts=self, pool=self._pool, opts=self._opts, ) self._streams.add(stream) return stream async def aclose(self) -> None: for stream in list(self._streams): await stream.aclose() self._streams.clear() await self._pool.aclose() await super().aclose()
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
Create a new instance of Cartesia TTS.
See for more details on the the Cartesia API.
, optional- The Cartesia TTS model to use. Defaults to "sonic-english".
, optional- The language code for synthesis. Defaults to "en".
, optional- The audio encoding format. Defaults to "pcm_s16le".
:str | list[float]
, optional- The voice ID or embedding array.
:TTSVoiceSpeed | float
, optional- Voice Control - Speed (
, optional- Voice Control - Emotion (
, optional- The audio sample rate in Hz. Defaults to 24000.
, optional- The Cartesia API key. If not provided, it will be read from the CARTESIA_API_KEY environment variable.
:aiohttp.ClientSession | None
, optional- An existing aiohttp ClientSession to use. If not provided, a new session will be created.
, optional- The base URL for the Cartesia API. Defaults to "".
- abc.ABC
- EventEmitter
- typing.Generic
async def aclose(self) ‑> None
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async def aclose(self) -> None: for stream in list(self._streams): await stream.aclose() self._streams.clear() await self._pool.aclose() await super().aclose()
def stream(self, *, conn_options: Optional[APIConnectOptions] = None) ‑> livekit.plugins.cartesia.tts.SynthesizeStream
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def stream( self, *, conn_options: Optional[APIConnectOptions] = None ) -> "SynthesizeStream": stream = SynthesizeStream( tts=self, pool=self._pool, opts=self._opts, ) self._streams.add(stream) return stream
def synthesize(self, text: str, *, conn_options: Optional[APIConnectOptions] = None) ‑> livekit.plugins.cartesia.tts.ChunkedStream
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def synthesize( self, text: str, *, conn_options: Optional[APIConnectOptions] = None, ) -> ChunkedStream: return ChunkedStream( tts=self, input_text=text, conn_options=conn_options, opts=self._opts, session=self._ensure_session(), )
def update_options(self,
model: TTSModels | None = None,
language: str | None = None,
voice: str | list[float] | None = None,
speed: TTSVoiceSpeed | float | None = None,
emotion: list[TTSVoiceEmotion | str] | None = None) ‑> None-
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def update_options( self, *, model: TTSModels | None = None, language: str | None = None, voice: str | list[float] | None = None, speed: TTSVoiceSpeed | float | None = None, emotion: list[TTSVoiceEmotion | str] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Update the Text-to-Speech (TTS) configuration options. This method allows updating the TTS settings, including model type, language, voice, speed, and emotion. If any parameter is not provided, the existing value will be retained. Args: model (TTSModels, optional): The Cartesia TTS model to use. Defaults to "sonic-english". language (str, optional): The language code for synthesis. Defaults to "en". voice (str | list[float], optional): The voice ID or embedding array. speed (TTSVoiceSpeed | float, optional): Voice Control - Speed ( emotion (list[TTSVoiceEmotion], optional): Voice Control - Emotion ( """ self._opts.model = model or self._opts.model self._opts.language = language or self._opts.language self._opts.voice = voice or self._opts.voice self._opts.speed = speed or self._opts.speed if emotion is not None: self._opts.emotion = emotion
Update the Text-to-Speech (TTS) configuration options.
This method allows updating the TTS settings, including model type, language, voice, speed, and emotion. If any parameter is not provided, the existing value will be retained.
, optional- The Cartesia TTS model to use. Defaults to "sonic-english".
, optional- The language code for synthesis. Defaults to "en".
:str | list[float]
, optional- The voice ID or embedding array.
:TTSVoiceSpeed | float
, optional- Voice Control - Speed (
, optional- Voice Control - Emotion (
Inherited members