Module livekit.rtc.participant
class LocalParticipant (room_queue: BroadcastQueue[proto_ffi.FfiEvent], owned_info: proto_participant.OwnedParticipant)
Represents the local participant in a room.
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class LocalParticipant(Participant): """Represents the local participant in a room.""" def __init__( self, room_queue: BroadcastQueue[proto_ffi.FfiEvent], owned_info: proto_participant.OwnedParticipant, ) -> None: super().__init__(owned_info) self._room_queue = room_queue self._track_publications: dict[str, LocalTrackPublication] = {} # type: ignore self._rpc_handlers: Dict[ str, Callable[[RpcInvocationData], Union[Awaitable[str], str]] ] = {} @property def track_publications(self) -> Mapping[str, LocalTrackPublication]: """ A dictionary of track publications associated with the participant. """ return self._track_publications async def publish_data( self, payload: Union[bytes, str], *, reliable: bool = True, destination_identities: List[str] = [], topic: str = "", ) -> None: """ Publish arbitrary data to the room. Args: payload (Union[bytes, str]): The data to publish. reliable (bool, optional): Whether to send reliably or not. Defaults to True. destination_identities (List[str], optional): List of participant identities to send to. Defaults to []. topic (str, optional): The topic under which to publish the data. Defaults to "". Raises: PublishDataError: If there is an error in publishing data. """ if isinstance(payload, str): payload = payload.encode("utf-8") data_len = len(payload) cdata = (ctypes.c_byte * data_len)(*payload) req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.publish_data.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.publish_data.data_ptr = ctypes.addressof(cdata) req.publish_data.data_len = data_len req.publish_data.reliable = reliable req.publish_data.topic = topic req.publish_data.destination_identities.extend(destination_identities) queue = FfiClient.instance.queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) cb: proto_ffi.FfiEvent = await queue.wait_for( lambda e: e.publish_data.async_id == resp.publish_data.async_id ) finally: FfiClient.instance.queue.unsubscribe(queue) if cb.publish_data.error: raise PublishDataError(cb.publish_data.error) async def publish_dtmf(self, *, code: int, digit: str) -> None: """ Publish SIP DTMF message. Args: code (int): DTMF code. digit (str): DTMF digit. Raises: PublishDTMFError: If there is an error in publishing SIP DTMF message. """ req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.publish_sip_dtmf.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.publish_sip_dtmf.code = code req.publish_sip_dtmf.digit = digit queue = FfiClient.instance.queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) cb: proto_ffi.FfiEvent = await queue.wait_for( lambda e: e.publish_sip_dtmf.async_id == resp.publish_sip_dtmf.async_id ) finally: FfiClient.instance.queue.unsubscribe(queue) if cb.publish_sip_dtmf.error: raise PublishDTMFError(cb.publish_sip_dtmf.error) async def publish_transcription(self, transcription: Transcription) -> None: """ Publish transcription data to the room. Args: transcription (Transcription): The transcription data to publish. Raises: PublishTranscriptionError: If there is an error in publishing transcription. """ req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() proto_segments = [ ProtoTranscriptionSegment(, text=s.text, start_time=s.start_time, end_time=s.end_time,, language=s.language, ) for s in transcription.segments ] # fmt: off req.publish_transcription.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.publish_transcription.participant_identity = transcription.participant_identity req.publish_transcription.segments.extend(proto_segments) req.publish_transcription.track_id = transcription.track_sid # fmt: on queue = FfiClient.instance.queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) cb: proto_ffi.FfiEvent = await queue.wait_for( lambda e: e.publish_transcription.async_id == resp.publish_transcription.async_id ) finally: FfiClient.instance.queue.unsubscribe(queue) if cb.publish_transcription.error: raise PublishTranscriptionError(cb.publish_transcription.error) async def perform_rpc( self, *, destination_identity: str, method: str, payload: str, response_timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> str: """ Initiate an RPC call to a remote participant. Args: destination_identity (str): The `identity` of the destination participant method (str): The method name to call payload (str): The method payload response_timeout (Optional[float]): Timeout for receiving a response after initial connection Returns: str: The response payload Raises: RpcError: On failure. Details in `message`. """ req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.perform_rpc.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.perform_rpc.destination_identity = destination_identity req.perform_rpc.method = method req.perform_rpc.payload = payload if response_timeout is not None: req.perform_rpc.response_timeout_ms = int(response_timeout * 1000) queue = FfiClient.instance.queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) cb = await queue.wait_for( lambda e: (e.perform_rpc.async_id == resp.perform_rpc.async_id) ) finally: FfiClient.instance.queue.unsubscribe(queue) if cb.perform_rpc.HasField("error"): raise RpcError._from_proto(cb.perform_rpc.error) return cb.perform_rpc.payload def register_rpc_method( self, method_name: str, handler: Optional[ Callable[[RpcInvocationData], Union[Awaitable[str], str]] ] = None, ) -> Union[None, Callable]: """ Establishes the participant as a receiver for calls of the specified RPC method. Can be used either as a decorator or a regular method. The handler will receive one argument of type `RpcInvocationData` and should return a string response which will be forwarded back to the caller. The handler may be synchronous or asynchronous. If unable to respond within `response_timeout`, the caller will hang up and receive an error on their side. You may raise errors of type `RpcError` in the handler, and they will be forwarded to the caller. Other errors raised in your handler will be caught and forwarded to the caller as "1500 Application Error". Args: method_name (str): The name of the indicated RPC method. handler (Optional[Callable]): Handler to be invoked whenever an RPC request for this method is received. Omit this argument to use the decorator syntax. Returns: None (when used as a decorator it returns the decorator function) Example: # As a decorator: @room.local_participant.register_rpc_method("greet") async def greet_handler(data: RpcInvocationData) -> str: print(f"Received greeting from {data.caller_identity}: {data.payload}") return f"Hello, {data.caller_identity}!" # As a regular method: async def greet_handler(data: RpcInvocationData) -> str: print(f"Received greeting from {data.caller_identity}: {data.payload}") return f"Hello, {data.caller_identity}!" room.local_participant.register_rpc_method('greet', greet_handler) """ def register(handler_func): self._rpc_handlers[method_name] = handler_func req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.register_rpc_method.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.register_rpc_method.method = method_name FfiClient.instance.request(req) if handler is not None: register(handler) return None else: # Called as a decorator return register def unregister_rpc_method(self, method: str) -> None: """ Unregisters a previously registered RPC method. Args: method (str): The name of the RPC method to unregister """ self._rpc_handlers.pop(method, None) req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.unregister_rpc_method.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.unregister_rpc_method.method = method FfiClient.instance.request(req) async def _handle_rpc_method_invocation( self, invocation_id: int, method: str, request_id: str, caller_identity: str, payload: str, response_timeout: float, ) -> None: response_error: Optional[RpcError] = None response_payload: Optional[str] = None params = RpcInvocationData( request_id, caller_identity, payload, response_timeout ) handler = self._rpc_handlers.get(method) if not handler: response_error = RpcError._built_in(RpcError.ErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_METHOD) else: try: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(handler): async_handler = cast( Callable[[RpcInvocationData], Awaitable[str]], handler ) async def run_handler(): try: return await async_handler(params) except asyncio.CancelledError: # This will be caught by the outer try-except if it's due to timeout raise try: response_payload = await asyncio.wait_for( run_handler(), timeout=response_timeout ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise RpcError._built_in(RpcError.ErrorCode.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise RpcError._built_in( RpcError.ErrorCode.RECIPIENT_DISCONNECTED ) else: sync_handler = cast(Callable[[RpcInvocationData], str], handler) response_payload = sync_handler(params) except RpcError as error: response_error = error except Exception as error: logger.exception( f"Uncaught error returned by RPC handler for {method}. Returning APPLICATION_ERROR instead. Original error: {error}", ) response_error = RpcError._built_in( RpcError.ErrorCode.APPLICATION_ERROR ) req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest( rpc_method_invocation_response=RpcMethodInvocationResponseRequest( local_participant_handle=self._ffi_handle.handle, invocation_id=invocation_id, error=response_error._to_proto() if response_error else None, payload=response_payload, ) ) res = FfiClient.instance.request(req) if res.rpc_method_invocation_response.error: logger.exception( f"error sending rpc method invocation response: {res.rpc_method_invocation_response.error}" ) async def set_metadata(self, metadata: str) -> None: """ Set the metadata for the local participant. Note: this requires `canUpdateOwnMetadata` permission. Args: metadata (str): The new metadata. """ req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.set_local_metadata.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.set_local_metadata.metadata = metadata queue = FfiClient.instance.queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) await queue.wait_for( lambda e: e.set_local_metadata.async_id == resp.set_local_metadata.async_id ) finally: FfiClient.instance.queue.unsubscribe(queue) async def set_name(self, name: str) -> None: """ Set the name for the local participant. Note: this requires `canUpdateOwnMetadata` permission. Args: name (str): The new name. """ req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.set_local_name.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle = name queue = FfiClient.instance.queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) await queue.wait_for( lambda e: e.set_local_name.async_id == resp.set_local_name.async_id ) finally: FfiClient.instance.queue.unsubscribe(queue) async def set_attributes(self, attributes: dict[str, str]) -> None: """ Set custom attributes for the local participant. Note: this requires `canUpdateOwnMetadata` permission. Args: attributes (dict[str, str]): A dictionary of attributes to set. """ req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.set_local_attributes.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle existing_attributes = { entry.key: entry.value for entry in req.set_local_attributes.attributes } existing_attributes.update(attributes) for key, value in existing_attributes.items(): entry = req.set_local_attributes.attributes.add() entry.key = key entry.value = value queue = FfiClient.instance.queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) await queue.wait_for( lambda e: e.set_local_attributes.async_id == resp.set_local_attributes.async_id ) finally: FfiClient.instance.queue.unsubscribe(queue) async def publish_track( self, track: LocalTrack, options: TrackPublishOptions = TrackPublishOptions() ) -> LocalTrackPublication: """ Publish a local track to the room. Args: track (LocalTrack): The track to publish. options (TrackPublishOptions, optional): Options for publishing the track. Returns: LocalTrackPublication: The publication of the published track. Raises: PublishTrackError: If there is an error in publishing the track. """ req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.publish_track.track_handle = track._ffi_handle.handle req.publish_track.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.publish_track.options.CopyFrom(options) queue = self._room_queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) cb: proto_ffi.FfiEvent = await queue.wait_for( lambda e: e.publish_track.async_id == resp.publish_track.async_id ) if cb.publish_track.error: raise PublishTrackError(cb.publish_track.error) track_publication = LocalTrackPublication(cb.publish_track.publication) track_publication.track = track track._info.sid = track_publication.sid self._track_publications[track_publication.sid] = track_publication queue.task_done() return track_publication finally: self._room_queue.unsubscribe(queue) async def unpublish_track(self, track_sid: str) -> None: """ Unpublish a track from the room. Args: track_sid (str): The SID of the track to unpublish. Raises: UnpublishTrackError: If there is an error in unpublishing the track. """ req = proto_ffi.FfiRequest() req.unpublish_track.local_participant_handle = self._ffi_handle.handle req.unpublish_track.track_sid = track_sid queue = self._room_queue.subscribe() try: resp = FfiClient.instance.request(req) cb: proto_ffi.FfiEvent = await queue.wait_for( lambda e: e.unpublish_track.async_id == resp.unpublish_track.async_id ) if cb.unpublish_track.error: raise UnpublishTrackError(cb.unpublish_track.error) publication = self._track_publications.pop(track_sid) publication.track = None queue.task_done() finally: self._room_queue.unsubscribe(queue) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"rtc.LocalParticipant(sid={self.sid}, identity={self.identity}, name={})"
- Participant
- abc.ABC
async def perform_rpc(self, *, destination_identity: str, method: str, payload: str, response_timeout: Optional[float] = None) ‑> str
Initiate an RPC call to a remote participant.
- The
of the destination participant method
- The method name to call
- The method payload
- Timeout for receiving a response after initial connection
- The response payload
- On failure. Details in
async def publish_data(self, payload: Union[bytes, str], *, reliable: bool = True, destination_identities: List[str] = [], topic: str = '') ‑> None
Publish arbitrary data to the room.
:Union[bytes, str]
- The data to publish.
, optional- Whether to send reliably or not. Defaults to True.
, optional- List of participant identities to send to. Defaults to [].
, optional- The topic under which to publish the data. Defaults to "".
- If there is an error in publishing data.
async def publish_dtmf(self, *, code: int, digit: str) ‑> None
Publish SIP DTMF message.
- DTMF code.
- DTMF digit.
- If there is an error in publishing SIP DTMF message.
async def publish_track(self, track: LocalTrack, options: TrackPublishOptions = ) ‑> LocalTrackPublication
Publish a local track to the room.
- The track to publish.
, optional- Options for publishing the track.
- The publication of the published track.
- If there is an error in publishing the track.
async def publish_transcription(self, transcription: Transcription) ‑> None
Publish transcription data to the room.
- The transcription data to publish.
- If there is an error in publishing transcription.
def register_rpc_method(self, method_name: str, handler: Optional[Callable[[RpcInvocationData], Union[Awaitable[str], str]]] = None) ‑> Optional[Callable]
Establishes the participant as a receiver for calls of the specified RPC method. Can be used either as a decorator or a regular method.
The handler will receive one argument of type
and should return a string response which will be forwarded back to the caller.The handler may be synchronous or asynchronous.
If unable to respond within
, the caller will hang up and receive an error on their side.You may raise errors of type
in the handler, and they will be forwarded to the caller.Other errors raised in your handler will be caught and forwarded to the caller as "1500 Application Error".
- The name of the indicated RPC method.
- Handler to be invoked whenever an RPC request for this method is received. Omit this argument to use the decorator syntax.
None (when used as a decorator it returns the decorator function)
As a decorator:
@room.local_participant.register_rpc_method("greet") async def greet_handler(data: RpcInvocationData) -> str: print(f"Received greeting from {data.caller_identity}: {data.payload}") return f"Hello, {data.caller_identity}!"
As a regular method:
async def greet_handler(data: RpcInvocationData) -> str: print(f"Received greeting from {data.caller_identity}: {data.payload}") return f"Hello, {data.caller_identity}!"
room.local_participant.register_rpc_method('greet', greet_handler)
async def set_attributes(self, attributes: dict[str, str]) ‑> None
Set custom attributes for the local participant.
Note: this requires
:dict[str, str]
- A dictionary of attributes to set.
async def set_metadata(self, metadata: str) ‑> None
Set the metadata for the local participant.
Note: this requires
- The new metadata.
async def set_name(self, name: str) ‑> None
Set the name for the local participant.
Note: this requires
- The new name.
async def unpublish_track(self, track_sid: str) ‑> None
Unpublish a track from the room.
- The SID of the track to unpublish.
- If there is an error in unpublishing the track.
def unregister_rpc_method(self, method: str) ‑> None
Unregisters a previously registered RPC method.
- The name of the RPC method to unregister
Inherited members
class Participant (owned_info: proto_participant.OwnedParticipant)
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class Participant(ABC): def __init__(self, owned_info: proto_participant.OwnedParticipant) -> None: self._info = self._ffi_handle = FfiHandle( @property @abstractmethod def track_publications(self) -> Mapping[str, TrackPublication]: """ A dictionary of track publications associated with the participant. """ ... @property def sid(self) -> str: return self._info.sid @property def name(self) -> str: return @property def identity(self) -> str: return self._info.identity @property def metadata(self) -> str: return self._info.metadata @property def attributes(self) -> dict[str, str]: """Custom attributes associated with the participant.""" return dict(self._info.attributes) @property def kind(self) -> proto_participant.ParticipantKind.ValueType: """Participant's kind (e.g., regular participant, ingress, egress, sip, agent).""" return self._info.kind
- abc.ABC
Instance variables
prop attributes : dict[str, str]
Custom attributes associated with the participant.
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@property def attributes(self) -> dict[str, str]: """Custom attributes associated with the participant.""" return dict(self._info.attributes)
prop identity : str
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@property def identity(self) -> str: return self._info.identity
prop kind : proto_participant.ParticipantKind.ValueType
Participant's kind (e.g., regular participant, ingress, egress, sip, agent).
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@property def kind(self) -> proto_participant.ParticipantKind.ValueType: """Participant's kind (e.g., regular participant, ingress, egress, sip, agent).""" return self._info.kind
prop metadata : str
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@property def metadata(self) -> str: return self._info.metadata
prop name : str
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@property def name(self) -> str: return
prop sid : str
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@property def sid(self) -> str: return self._info.sid
prop track_publications : Mapping[str, TrackPublication]
A dictionary of track publications associated with the participant.
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@property @abstractmethod def track_publications(self) -> Mapping[str, TrackPublication]: """ A dictionary of track publications associated with the participant. """ ...
class PublishDTMFError (message: str)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class PublishDTMFError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: self.message = message
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class PublishDataError (message: str)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class PublishDataError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: self.message = message
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class PublishTrackError (message: str)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class PublishTrackError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: self.message = message
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class PublishTranscriptionError (message: str)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class PublishTranscriptionError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: self.message = message
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class RemoteParticipant (owned_info: proto_participant.OwnedParticipant)
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
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class RemoteParticipant(Participant): def __init__(self, owned_info: proto_participant.OwnedParticipant) -> None: super().__init__(owned_info) self._track_publications: dict[str, RemoteTrackPublication] = {} # type: ignore @property def track_publications(self) -> Mapping[str, RemoteTrackPublication]: """ A dictionary of track publications associated with the participant. """ return self._track_publications def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"rtc.RemoteParticipant(sid={self.sid}, identity={self.identity}, name={})"
- Participant
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class RpcMethodInvocationResponseRequest (*args, **kwargs)
A ProtocolMessage
- google._upb._message.Message
- google.protobuf.message.Message
Class variables
class TrackPublishOptions (*args, **kwargs)
A ProtocolMessage
- google._upb._message.Message
- google.protobuf.message.Message
Class variables
class ProtoTranscriptionSegment (*args, **kwargs)
A ProtocolMessage
- google._upb._message.Message
- google.protobuf.message.Message
Class variables
class UnpublishTrackError (message: str)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class UnpublishTrackError(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: self.message = message
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException