Package-level declarations

Room is the primary class that manages the connection to the LiveKit Room. It exposes listeners that lets you hook into room events.


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class DefaultsManager @Inject constructor
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class Room @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted context: Context, engine: RTCEngine, eglBase: EglBase, localParticipantFactory: LocalParticipant.Factory, defaultsManager: DefaultsManager, @Named(value = "dispatcher_default") defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, @Named(value = "dispatcher_io") ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, val audioHandler: AudioHandler, closeableManager: CloseableManager, e2EEManagerFactory: E2EEManager.Factory, communicationWorkaround: CommunicationWorkaround, val audioProcessingController: AudioProcessingController, val lkObjects: LKObjects, networkCallbackManagerFactory: NetworkCallbackManagerFactory, audioDeviceModule: AudioDeviceModule) : RTCEngine.Listener, ParticipantListener
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sealed class RoomException : Exception


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fun <Error class: unknown class>.toWebrtc(): PeerConnection.IceServer