Automatically manage quality of subscribed video tracks, subscribe to the an appropriate resolution based on the size of the video elements that tracks are attached to.
The AudioHandler for setting up the audio as need.
audio processing is enabled
A convenience getter for the audio handler as a AudioSwitchHandler.
Default options to use when creating an audio track.
Default options to use when publishing an audio track.
end-to-end encryption manager
Options for end-to-end encryption. Must be setup prior to connect.
Default options to use when creating a screen share track.
Default options to use when publishing a screen share track.
Default options to use when creating a video track.
Default options to use when publishing a video track.
Disconnect from the room.
Get stats for the publisher peer connection.
Get stats for the subscriber peer connection.
Initialize a TextureViewRenderer for rendering a video from this room.
Initialize a SurfaceViewRenderer for rendering a video from this room.
Received data published by another participant
Fired when the current participant's isSpeaking property changes. (including LocalParticipant)
When a new track is published to room after the local participant has joined.
prepareConnection should be called as soon as the page is loaded, in order to speed up the connection attempt. This function will
Control muting/unmuting the audio input.
Copies all the options to the Room object.
Control muting/unmuting all audio output.