
data class LiveKitOverrides(val okHttpClient: OkHttpClient? = null, val videoEncoderFactory: VideoEncoderFactory? = null, val videoDecoderFactory: VideoDecoderFactory? = null, val audioOptions: AudioOptions? = null, val eglBase: EglBase? = null, val peerConnectionFactoryOptions: PeerConnectionFactory.Options? = null)

Overrides to replace LiveKit internally used components with custom implementations.


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constructor(okHttpClient: OkHttpClient? = null, videoEncoderFactory: VideoEncoderFactory? = null, videoDecoderFactory: VideoDecoderFactory? = null, audioOptions: AudioOptions? = null, eglBase: EglBase? = null, peerConnectionFactoryOptions: PeerConnectionFactory.Options? = null)


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Override various audio options used by the library.

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val eglBase: EglBase? = null

Override the EglBase used by the library.

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val okHttpClient: OkHttpClient? = null

Override the OkHttpClient used by the library.

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val peerConnectionFactoryOptions: PeerConnectionFactory.Options? = null

Override the options passed into the PeerConnectionFactory when building it.

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val videoDecoderFactory: VideoDecoderFactory? = null

Override the VideoDecoderFactory used by the library.

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val videoEncoderFactory: VideoEncoderFactory? = null

Override the VideoEncoderFactory used by the library.