Subscribing to tracks

Play and render realtime media tracks in your application.


While connected to a room, a participant can receive and render any tracks published to the room. When autoSubscribe is enabled (default), the server automatically delivers new tracks to participants, making them ready for rendering.

Track subscription

Rendering media tracks starts with a subscription to receive the track data from the server.

As mentioned in the guide on rooms, participants, and tracks, LiveKit models tracks with two constructs: TrackPublication and Track. Think of a TrackPublication as metadata for a track registered with the server and Track as the raw media stream. Track publications are always available to the client, even when the track is not subscribed to.

Track subscription callbacks provide your app with both the Track and TrackPublication objects.

Subscribed callback will be fired on both Room and RemoteParticipant objects.

import { connect, RoomEvent } from 'livekit-client';
room.on(RoomEvent.TrackSubscribed, handleTrackSubscribed);
function handleTrackSubscribed(
track: RemoteTrack,
publication: RemoteTrackPublication,
participant: RemoteParticipant,
) {
/* Do things with track, publication or participant */

This guide is focused on frontend applications. To consume media in your backend, use the LiveKit Agents framework or SDKs for Go, Rust, Python, or Node.js.

Media playback

Once subscribed to an audio or video track, it's ready to be played in your application

function handleTrackSubscribed(
track: RemoteTrack,
publication: RemoteTrackPublication,
participant: RemoteParticipant,
) {
// Attach track to a new HTMLVideoElement or HTMLAudioElement
const element = track.attach();
// Or attach to existing element
// track.attach(element)

Active speaker identification

LiveKit can automatically detect participants who are actively speaking and send updates when their speaking status changes. Speaker updates are sent for both local and remote participants. These events fire on both Room and Participant objects, allowing you to identify active speakers in your UI.

room.on(RoomEvent.ActiveSpeakersChanged, (speakers: Participant[]) => {
// Speakers contain all of the current active speakers
participant.on(ParticipantEvent.IsSpeakingChanged, (speaking: boolean) => {
`${participant.identity} is ${speaking ? 'now' : 'no longer'} speaking. audio level: ${participant.audioLevel}`,

Selective subscription

Disable autoSubscribe to take manual control over which tracks the participant should subscribe to. This is appropriate for spatial applications and/or applications that require precise control over what each participant receives.

Both LiveKit's SDKs and server APIs have controls for selective subscription. Once configured, only explicitly subscribed tracks are delivered to the participant.

From frontend

let room = await room.connect(url, token, {
autoSubscribe: false,
room.on(RoomEvent.TrackPublished, (publication, participant) => {
// Also subscribe to tracks published before participant joined
room.remoteParticipants.forEach((participant) => {
participant.trackPublications.forEach((publication) => {

From server API

These controls are also available with the server APIs.

import { RoomServiceClient } from 'livekit-server-sdk';
const roomServiceClient = new RoomServiceClient('myhost', 'api-key', 'my secret');
// Subscribe to new track
roomServiceClient.updateSubscriptions('myroom', 'receiving-participant-identity', ['TR_TRACKID'], true);
// Unsubscribe from existing track
roomServiceClient.updateSubscriptions('myroom', 'receiving-participant-identity', ['TR_TRACKID'], false);

Adaptive stream

In an application, video elements where tracks are rendered could vary in size, and sometimes hidden. It would be extremely wasteful to fetch high-resolution videos but only to render it in a 150x150 box.

Adaptive stream allows a developer to build dynamic video applications without consternation for how interface design or user interaction might impact video quality. It allows us to fetch the minimum bits necessary for high-quality rendering and helps with scaling to very large sessions.

When adaptive stream is enabled, the LiveKit SDK will monitor both size and visibility of the UI elements that the tracks are attached to. Then it'll automatically coordinate with the server to ensure the closest-matching simulcast layer that matches the UI element is sent back. If the element is hidden, the SDK will automatically pause the associated track on the server side until the element becomes visible.


With JS SDK, you must use Track.attach() in order for adaptive stream to be effective.

Adaptive Stream

Enabling/disabling tracks

Implementations seeking fine-grained control can enable or disable tracks at their discretion. This could be used to implement subscriber-side mute. (for example, muting a publisher in the room, but only for the current user).

When disabled, the participant will not receive any new data for that track. If a disabled track is subsequently enabled, new data will be received again.

The disable action is useful when optimizing for a participant's bandwidth consumption. For example, if a particular user's video track is offscreen, disabling this track will reduce bytes from being sent by the LiveKit server until the track's data is needed again. (this is not needed with adaptive stream)

import { connect, RoomEvent } from 'livekit-client';
room.on(RoomEvent.TrackSubscribed, handleTrackSubscribed);
function handleTrackSubscribed(
track: RemoteTrack,
publication: RemoteTrackPublication,
participant: RemoteParticipant,
) {

You may be wondering how subscribe and unsubscribe differs from enable and disable. A track must be subscribed to and enabled for data to be received by the participant. If a track has not been subscribed to (or was unsubscribed) or disabled, the participant performing these actions will not receive that track's data.

The difference between these two actions is negotiation. Subscribing requires a negotiation handshake with the LiveKit server, while enable/disable does not. Depending on one's use case, this can make enable/disable more efficient, especially when a track may be turned on or off frequently.

Simulcast controls

If a video track has simulcast enabled, a receiving participant may want to manually specify the maximum receivable quality. This would result a quality and bandwidth reduction for the target track. This might come in handy, for instance, when an application's user interface is displaying a small thumbnail for a particular user's video track.

import { connect, RoomEvent } from 'livekit-client';
connect('ws://your_host', token, {
audio: true,
video: true,
}).then((room) => {
room.on(RoomEvent.TrackSubscribed, handleTrackSubscribed);
function handleTrackSubscribed(
track: RemoteTrack,
publication: RemoteTrackPublication,
participant: RemoteParticipant,
) {
if (track.kind === Track.Kind.Video) {

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