Bootstrapping an application

Create and initialize an app from a convenient set of templates.


Before starting, make sure you have created a Cloud account, installed the LiveKit CLI, and have authenticated or manually configured your LiveKit project of choice.

The LiveKit CLI can help you bootstrap applications from a number of convenient template repositories, using your project credentials to set up required environment variables and other configuration automatically. To create an application from a template, run the following:

lk app create --template <template_name> my-app

Then follow the CLI prompts to finish your setup.

The --template flag may be omitted to see a list of all available templates, or can be chosen from a selection of our first-party templates:

Template NameLanguage/FrameworkDescription
voice-assistant-frontendTypeScript/Next.jsVoice assistant frontend with integrated token server
meetTypeScript/Next.jsVideo conferencing frontend with integrated token server
multimodal-agent-pythonPythonMultimodal agent with speech-to-speech and transcription capabilities
voice-pipeline-agent-pythonPythonVoice agent using modular TTS, LLM, and STT capabilities
multimodal-agent-nodeNode.js/TypeScriptMultimodal agent with speech-to-speech and transcription capabilities
token-server-nodeNode.js/TypeScriptToken server for generating access tokens
android-voice-assistantKotlin/AndroidVoice assistant mobile application

If you're looking to explore LiveKit's Agents framework, or want to prototype your app against a prebuilt frontend or token server, check out Sandboxes.

For more information on templates, see the LiveKit Template Index.