Custom Recording Template

Create your own recording layout to use with Room Composite Egress


LiveKit Room Composite Egress enables recording of all participants' tracks in a room. This document explains its functionality and customization options.

Built-in LiveKit Recording View

The recording feature in LiveKit is built on a web-based architecture, utilizing a headless Chrome instance to render and capture output. The default view is built using LiveKit's React Components. There are a handful of configuration options available including:

For more advanced customization, LiveKit supports configuring the URL of the web application that will generate the page to be recorded, allowing full customization of the recording view.

Building a Custom Recording View

While you can use any web framework, it's often easiest to start with the built-in React-based application and modify it to meet your requirements. The source code can be found in the template-default folder of the LiveKit egress repository. The main files include:


The built-in Room.tsx component uses the template SDK, for common tasks like:

If you are not using Room.tsx as a starting point, be sure to leverage the template SDK to handle these and other common tasks.

Building your Application

Make a copy of the above files and modify tnem to meet your requirements.

Example: Move non-speaking participants to the right side of the Speaker view

By default the Speaker view shows the non-speaking participants on the left and the speaker on the right. Let's change this so the speaker is on the left and the non-speaking participants are on the right.

  1. Copy the default components and CSS files into a new location
  2. Modify SpeakerLayout.tsx to move the FocusLayout above CarouselLayout so it looks like this:
    return (
    <div className="lk-focus-layout">
    <FocusLayout trackRef={mainTrack as TrackReference} />
    <CarouselLayout tracks={remainingTracks}>
    <ParticipantTile />
  3. Modify App.css to fix the grid-template-columns value (reverse the values). It should look like this:
    .lk-focus-layout {
    height: 100%;
    grid-template-columns: 5fr 1fr;

Deploying your Application

Once your app is ready for testing or deployment, you'll need to host it on a web server. We recommend using Vercel for its simplicity, but many other options are available.

Testing Your Application

We have created the egress test-egress-template subcommand in the LiveKit CLI to make it easier to test.

The egress test-egress-template subcommand:

  • Creates a room
  • Adds the desired number of virtual publishers who will publish simulated video streams
  • Opens a browser instance to your app URL with the correct parameters

Once you have your application deployed, you can use this command to test it out.


lk egress test-template \
--base-url YOUR_WEB_SERVER_URL \
--room ROOM_NAME \
--layout LAYOUT \
--publishers PUBLISHER_COUNT

This command launches a browser and opens: YOUR_WEB_SERVER_URL?url=<LIVEKIT_INSTANCE WSS URL>&token=<RECORDER TOKEN>&layout=LAYOUT


lk egress test-template \
--base-url http://localhost:3000/lk-recording-view \
--room my-room \
--layout grid \
--publishers 3

This command launches a browser and opens: http://localhost:3000/lk-recording-view?<RECORDER TOKEN>&layout=grid

Using the Custom Recording View in Production

Set the custom_base_url parameter on the StartRoomCompositeEgress() API to the URL where your custom recording application is deployed.

For additional authentication, most customers attach URL parameters to the custom_base_url. For example:{auth_info} (and set this as your custom_base_url).

Recording Process

For those curious about the workflow of a recording, the basic steps are:

  1. The Egress.StartRoomCompositeEgress() API is invoked
  2. LiveKit assigns an available egress instance to handle the request
  3. The egress recorder creates necessary connection & authentication details
  4. A URL for the rendering web page is constructed with these parameters:
    • url: URL of LiveKit Server
    • token: Access token for joining the room as a recorder
    • layout: Desired layout passed to StartRoomCompositeEgress()
  5. The egress recorder launches a headless Chrome instance with the constructed URL
  6. The recorder waits for the web page to log START_RECORDING to the console
  7. The recording begins
  8. The recorder waits for the web page to log END_RECORDING to the console
  9. The recording is terminated