
Familiarize yourself with LiveKit's access tokens for secure authentication.


For a LiveKit SDK to successfully connect to the server, it must pass an access token with the request.

This token encodes the identity of a participant, name of the room, capabilities and permissions. Access tokens are JWT-based and signed with your API secret to prevent forgery.

Access tokens also carry an expiration time, after which the server will reject connections with that token. Note: expiration time only impacts the initial connection, and not subsequent reconnects.

Creating a token

lk token create \
--api-key <KEY> \
--api-secret <SECRET> \
--identity <NAME> \
--room <ROOM_NAME> \
--join \
--valid-for 1h

Token example

Here's an example of the decoded body of a join token:

"exp": 1621657263,
"iss": "APIMmxiL8rquKztZEoZJV9Fb",
"sub": "myidentity",
"nbf": 1619065263,
"video": {
"room": "myroom",
"roomJoin": true
"metadata": ""
expExpiration time of token
nbfStart time that the token becomes valid
issAPI key used to issue this token
subUnique identity for the participant
metadataParticipant metadata
attributesParticipant attributes (key/value pairs of strings)
videoVideo grant, including room permissions (see below)
sipSIP grant

Video grant

Room permissions are specified in the video field of a decoded join token. It may contain one or more of the following properties:

roomCreateboolPermission to create or delete rooms
roomListboolPermission to list available rooms
roomJoinboolPermission to join a room
roomAdminboolPermission to moderate a room
roomRecordboolPermissions to use Egress service
ingressAdminboolPermissions to use Ingress service
roomstringName of the room, required if join or admin is set
canPublishboolAllow participant to publish tracks
canPublishDataboolAllow participant to publish data to the room
canPublishSourcesstring[]Requires canPublish to be true. When set, only listed source can be published. (camera, microphone, screen_share, screen_share_audio)
canSubscribeboolAllow participant to subscribe to tracks
canUpdateOwnMetadataboolAllow participant to update its own metadata
hiddenboolHide participant from others in the room
kindstringType of participant (standard, ingress, egress, sip, or agent). this field is typically set by LiveKit internals.

Example: subscribe-only token

To create a token where the participant can only subscribe, and not publish into the room, you would use the following grant:

"video": {
"room": "myroom",
"roomJoin": true,
"canSubscribe": true,
"canPublish": false,
"canPublishData": false

Example: camera-only

Allow the participant to publish camera, but disallow other sources

"video": {
"room": "myroom",
"roomJoin": true,
"canSubscribe": true,
"canPublish": true,
"canPublishSources": ["camera"]

SIP grant

In order to interact with the SIP service, permission must be granted in the sip field of the JWT. It may contain the following properties:

adminboolPermission to manage SIP trunks and dispatch rules.
callboolPermission to make SIP calls via CreateSIPParticipant.

Creating a token with SIP grants

import { AccessToken, SIPGrant, VideoGrant } from 'livekit-server-sdk';
const roomName = 'name-of-room';
const participantName = 'user-name';
const at = new AccessToken('api-key', 'secret-key', {
identity: participantName,
const sipGrant: SIPGrant = {
admin: true,
call: true,
const videoGrant: VideoGrant = {
room: roomName,
roomJoin: true,
const token = await at.toJwt();
console.log('access token', token);

Room configuration

You can create an access token for a user that includes room configuration options. When a room is created for a user, the room is created using the configuration stored in the token. For example, you can use this to explicitly dispatch an agent when a user joins a room.

For the full list of RoomConfiguration fields, see RoomConfiguration.

Creating a token with room configuration

For a full example of explicit agent dispatch, see the example in GitHub.

import { AccessToken, SIPGrant, VideoGrant } from 'livekit-server-sdk';
import { RoomAgentDispatch, RoomConfiguration } from '@livekit/protocol';
const roomName = 'name-of-room';
const participantName = 'user-name';
const agentName = 'my-agent';
const at = new AccessToken('api-key', 'secret-key', {
identity: participantName,
const videoGrant: VideoGrant = {
room: roomName,
roomJoin: true,
at.roomConfig = new RoomConfiguration (
agents: [
new RoomAgentDispatch({
agentName: "test-agent",
metadata: "test-metadata"
const token = await at.toJwt();
console.log('access token', token);

Token refresh

LiveKit server proactively issues refreshed tokens to connected clients, ensuring they can reconnect if disconnected. These refreshed access tokens have a 10-minute expiration.

Additionally, tokens are refreshed when there are changes to a participant's name, permissions or metadata.

Updating permissions

A participant's permissions can be updated at any time, even after they've already connected. This is useful in applications where the participant's role could change during the session, such as in a participatory livestream.

It's possible to issue a token with canPublish: false initially, and then updating it to canPublish: true during the session. Permissions can be changed with the UpdateParticipant server API.