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class AttributesChanged(val participant: Participant, val changedAttributes: Map<String, String>, val oldAttributes: Map<String, String>) : ParticipantEvent

When a participant's attributes are changed, fired for all participants

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class DataReceived(val participant: RemoteParticipant, val data: ByteArray, val topic: String?) : ParticipantEvent

Received data published by another participant

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When a new track is published by the local participant.

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Fired when the first remote participant has subscribed to the localParticipant's track

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A LocalParticipant has unpublished a track

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class MetadataChanged(val participant: Participant, val prevMetadata: String?) : ParticipantEvent

When a participant's metadata is updated, fired for all participants

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class NameChanged(val participant: Participant, val name: String?) : ParticipantEvent

When a participant's display name is changed, fired for all participants

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class ParticipantPermissionsChanged(val participant: Participant, val newPermissions: ParticipantPermission?, val oldPermissions: ParticipantPermission?) : ParticipantEvent

A participant's permissions have changed.

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class SpeakingChanged(val participant: Participant, val isSpeaking: Boolean) : ParticipantEvent

Fired when the current participant's isSpeaking property changes. (including LocalParticipant)

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class TrackMuted(val participant: Participant, val publication: TrackPublication) : ParticipantEvent

The participant was muted.

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class TrackPublished(val participant: RemoteParticipant, val publication: RemoteTrackPublication) : ParticipantEvent

When a new track is published to room after the local participant has joined.

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class TrackStreamStateChanged(val participant: Participant, val trackPublication: TrackPublication, val streamState: Track.StreamState) : ParticipantEvent

A track's stream state has changed.

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class TrackSubscribed(val participant: RemoteParticipant, val track: Track, val publication: RemoteTrackPublication) : ParticipantEvent

Subscribed to a new track

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class TrackSubscriptionFailed(val participant: RemoteParticipant, val sid: String, val exception: Exception) : ParticipantEvent

Error had occurred while subscribing to a track

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class TrackSubscriptionPermissionChanged(val participant: RemoteParticipant, val trackPublication: RemoteTrackPublication, val subscriptionAllowed: Boolean) : ParticipantEvent

A remote track's subscription permissions have changed.

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class TrackUnmuted(val participant: Participant, val publication: TrackPublication) : ParticipantEvent

The participant was unmuted.

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A RemoteParticipant has unpublished a track

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class TrackUnsubscribed(val participant: RemoteParticipant, val track: Track, val publication: RemoteTrackPublication) : ParticipantEvent

A subscribed track is no longer available. Clients should listen to this event and handle cleanup

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class TranscriptionReceived(val participant: Participant, val transcriptions: List<TranscriptionSegment>, val publication: TrackPublication?) : ParticipantEvent


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