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interface Factory
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interface PublishListener


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var attributes: Map<String, String>

The attributes set on this participant.

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var audioLevel: Float

Changes can be observed by using io.livekit.android.util.flow

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val audioTrackPublications: List<Pair<TrackPublication, Track?>>

Changes can be observed by using io.livekit.android.util.flow

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var connectionQuality: ConnectionQuality

Changes can be observed by using io.livekit.android.util.flow

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var identity: Participant.Identity?

The participant's identity on the server. name should be preferred for UI usecases.

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var isSpeaking: Boolean

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val joinedAt: <Error class: unknown class>?

Timestamp when participant joined room, in milliseconds

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var kind: Participant.Kind

The kind of participant (i.e. a standard client participant, AI agent, etc.)

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var lastSpokeAt: Long?

Timestamp when the participant last started speaking, in milliseconds

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var metadata: String?

The metadata for this participant.

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var name: String?

The participant's name. To be used for user-facing purposes (i.e. when displayed in the UI).

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var participantInfo: <Error class: unknown class>?

Changes can be observed by using io.livekit.android.util.flow

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var permissions: ParticipantPermission?

The permissions for this participant.

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var trackPublications: Map<String, TrackPublication>

Maps track sids to their track publications.

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val videoTrackPublications: List<Pair<TrackPublication, Track?>>

Changes can be observed by using io.livekit.android.util.flow


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fun createAudioTrack(name: String = "", options: LocalAudioTrackOptions = audioTrackCaptureDefaults): LocalAudioTrack

Creates an audio track, recording audio through the microphone with the given options.

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fun createScreencastTrack(name: String = "", mediaProjectionPermissionResultData: Intent, options: LocalVideoTrackOptions = screenShareTrackCaptureDefaults.copy(), videoProcessor: VideoProcessor? = null): LocalScreencastVideoTrack

Creates a screencast video track.

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fun createVideoTrack(name: String = "", options: LocalVideoTrackOptions = videoTrackCaptureDefaults.copy(), videoProcessor: VideoProcessor? = null): LocalVideoTrack

Creates a video track, recording video through the camera with the given options.

fun createVideoTrack(name: String = "", capturer: VideoCapturer, options: LocalVideoTrackOptions = videoTrackCaptureDefaults.copy(), videoProcessor: VideoProcessor? = null): LocalVideoTrack

Creates a video track, recording video through the supplied capturer.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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Retrieves the first track that matches the source, or null

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Retrieves the first track that matches name, or null

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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suspend fun performRpc(destinationIdentity: Participant.Identity, method: String, payload: String, responseTimeout: Duration = 10.seconds): String

Initiate an RPC call to a remote participant

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suspend fun publishAudioTrack(track: LocalAudioTrack, options: AudioTrackPublishOptions = AudioTrackPublishOptions( null, audioTrackPublishDefaults, ), publishListener: LocalParticipant.PublishListener? = null)

Publishes an audio track.

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suspend fun publishData(data: ByteArray, reliability: DataPublishReliability = DataPublishReliability.RELIABLE, topic: String? = null, identities: List<Participant.Identity>? = null)

Publish a new data payload to the room. Data will be forwarded to each participant in the room. Each payload must not exceed 15k in size

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suspend fun publishDtmf(code: Int, digit: String)

This suspend function allows you to publish DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) signals within a LiveKit room. The publishDtmf function constructs a SipDTMF message using the provided code and digit, then encapsulates it in a DataPacket before sending it via the engine.

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suspend fun publishVideoTrack(track: LocalVideoTrack, options: VideoTrackPublishOptions = VideoTrackPublishOptions(null, videoTrackPublishDefaults), publishListener: LocalParticipant.PublishListener? = null)

Publishes an video track.

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suspend fun registerRpcMethod(method: String, handler: RpcHandler)

Establishes the participant as a receiver for calls of the specified RPC method. Will overwrite any existing callback for the same method.

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suspend fun setCameraEnabled(enabled: Boolean)

If set to enabled, creates and publishes a camera video track if not already done, and starts the camera.

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suspend fun setMicrophoneEnabled(enabled: Boolean)

If set to enabled, creates and publishes a microphone audio track if not already done, and unmutes the mic.

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suspend fun setScreenShareEnabled(enabled: Boolean, mediaProjectionPermissionResultData: Intent? = null)

If set to enabled, creates and publishes a screenshare video track.

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fun setTrackSubscriptionPermissions(allParticipantsAllowed: Boolean, participantTrackPermissions: List<ParticipantTrackPermission> = emptyList())

Control who can subscribe to LocalParticipant's published tracks.

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fun unpublishTrack(track: Track, stopOnUnpublish: Boolean = true)

Unpublish a track.

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Unregisters a previously registered RPC method.

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fun updateAttributes(attributes: Map<String, String>)

Set or update participant attributes. It will make updates only to keys that are present in attributes, and will not override others.

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fun updateMetadata(metadata: String)

Updates the metadata of the local participant. Changes will not be reflected until the server responds confirming the update. Note: this requires CanUpdateOwnMetadata permission encoded in the token.

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fun updateName(name: String)

Updates the name of the local participant. Changes will not be reflected until the server responds confirming the update. Note: this requires CanUpdateOwnMetadata permission encoded in the token.