Deploying LiveKit

WebRTC servers can be tricky to deploy because of their use of UDP ports and having to know their own public IP address. This guide will help you get a secure LiveKit deployment up and running.

Domain, SSL certificates, and load balancer

In order to have a secure LiveKit deployment, you will need a domain as well as a SSL certificate for that domain. This domain will be used as the primary endpoint for LiveKit clients, for example: wss:// The SSL certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority; self-signed certs do not work here.

You will also need to set up HTTPS/SSL termination with a load balancer or reverse proxy.

If you are using TURN, then a separate TURN domain and SSL cert will be needed, as well.

Improving connectivity with TURN

Certain corporate firewalls block not only UDP traffic, but non-secure TCP traffic, as well. In those cases, it's helpful to use a TURN server. Here's a good resource if you're interested in reading more about how TURN is used.

The good news is LiveKit includes an embedded TURN server. It's a secure TURN implementation that has integrated authentication with the rest of LiveKit. The authentication layer ensures that only clients that have already established a signal connection could connect to our TURN server.


To firewalls, TLS traffic looks no different from regular HTTPS traffic to websites. Enabling TURN/TLS gives you the broadest coverage in client connectivity, including those behind corporate firewalls. TURN/TLS can be enabled with:

enabled: true
tls_port: 5349
cert_file: /path/to/turn.crt
key_file: /path/to/turn.key

LiveKit will perform TLS termination, so you will have to specify the certificates in the config. When running multiple LiveKit instances, you can place a layer 4 load balancer in front of the TCP port.

If you are not using a load balancer, turn.tls_port needs to be set to 443, as that will be the port that's advertised to clients.


As QUIC (HTTP/3) gains adoption, some firewalls started allowing UDP traffic to pass through port 443. In those cases, it helps to use TURN/UDP on port 443. UDP is preferred over TCP for WebRTC traffic, as it has better control over congestion and latency. TURN/UDP can be enabled with:

enabled: true
udp_port: 443


For production deploys, we recommend using a config file. The config file can be passed in via --config flag, or the body of the YAML can be set with a LIVEKIT_CONFIG environment variable.

Below is a recommended config for a production deploy. To view other customization options, see config-sample.yaml

port: 7880
log_level: info
tcp_port: 7881
port_range_start: 50000
port_range_end: 60000
# use_external_ip should be set to true for most cloud environments where
# the host has a public IP address, but is not exposed to the process.
# LiveKit will attempt to use STUN to discover the true IP, and advertise
# that IP with its clients
use_external_ip: true
# redis is recommended for production deploys
# key-value pairs
# your_api_key: <your_api_secret>
# When enabled, LiveKit will expose prometheus metrics on :6789/metrics
#prometheus_port: 6789
enabled: true
# domain must match tls certificate
domain: <>
# defaults to 3478. If not using a load balancer, must be set to 443.
tls_port: 3478


The scalability of LiveKit is bound by CPU and bandwidth. We recommend running production setups on 10Gbps ethernet or faster.

When deploying to cloud providers, compute-optimized instance types are the most suitable for LiveKit.

If running in a Dockerized environment, host networking should be used for optimal performance.