This guide is for Next.js 13+. On an older version? Check out the quickstart for Next.js 12.
This quickstart tutorial walks you through the steps to build a video-conferencing application using NextJS. It uses LiveKit's React Components to render the UI and communicate with LiveKit servers via WebRTC. By the end, you will have a basic video-conferencing application you can run with multiple participants.
1. Create a Next.js app
If you're working with an existing app, skip to the next step.
npx create-next-app <your_app_name>
Change directory into your app directory:
cd <your_app_name>
2. Install LiveKit SDK
Install both frontend and backend LiveKit SDKs:
yarn add livekit-server-sdk @livekit/components-react @livekit/components-styles
3. Keys and Configuration
To start, your app needs an LiveKit API key and secret, as well as your LiveKit project URL.
In your project root create the file .env.local
with the following contents. Do not commit this file because it contains your secrets!
4. Create token endpoint
Create a new file at /app/api/token/route.ts
with the following content:
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';import { AccessToken } from 'livekit-server-sdk';// Do not cache endpoint resultexport const revalidate = 0;export async function GET(req: NextRequest) {const room = req.nextUrl.searchParams.get('room');const username = req.nextUrl.searchParams.get('username');if (!room) {return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Missing "room" query parameter' }, { status: 400 });} else if (!username) {return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Missing "username" query parameter' }, { status: 400 });}const apiKey = process.env.LIVEKIT_API_KEY;const apiSecret = process.env.LIVEKIT_API_SECRET;const wsUrl = process.env.LIVEKIT_URL;if (!apiKey || !apiSecret || !wsUrl) {return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Server misconfigured' }, { status: 500 });}const at = new AccessToken(apiKey, apiSecret, { identity: username });at.addGrant({ room, roomJoin: true, canPublish: true, canSubscribe: true });return NextResponse.json({ token: await at.toJwt() },{ headers: { "Cache-Control": "no-store" } },);}
5. Make a page in your web app
Make a new file at /app/room/page.tsx
with the following content:
'use client';import {ControlBar,GridLayout,LiveKitRoom,ParticipantTile,RoomAudioRenderer,useTracks,} from '@livekit/components-react';import '@livekit/components-styles';import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';import { Track } from 'livekit-client';export default function Page() {// TODO: get user input for room and nameconst room = 'quickstart-room';const name = 'quickstart-user';const [token, setToken] = useState('');useEffect(() => {(async () => {try {const resp = await fetch(`/api/token?room=${room}&username=${name}`);const data = await resp.json();setToken(data.token);} catch (e) {console.error(e);}})();}, []);if (token === '') {return <div>Getting token...</div>;}return (<LiveKitRoomvideo={true}audio={true}token={token}serverUrl={process.env.LIVEKIT_URL}// Use the default LiveKit theme for nice"default"style={{ height: '100dvh' }}>{/* Your custom component with basic video conferencing functionality. */}<MyVideoConference />{/* The RoomAudioRenderer takes care of room-wide audio for you. */}<RoomAudioRenderer />{/* Controls for the user to start/stop audio, video, and screenshare tracks and to leave the room. */}<ControlBar /></LiveKitRoom>);}function MyVideoConference() {// `useTracks` returns all camera and screen share tracks. If a user// joins without a published camera track, a placeholder track is returned.const tracks = useTracks([{ source: Track.Source.Camera, withPlaceholder: true },{ source: Track.Source.ScreenShare, withPlaceholder: false },],{ onlySubscribed: false },);return (<GridLayout tracks={tracks} style={{ height: 'calc(100vh - var(--lk-control-bar-height))' }}>{/* The GridLayout accepts zero or one child. The child is usedas a template to render all passed in tracks. */}<ParticipantTile /></GridLayout>);}
6. Load the page and connect
Start your server with:
yarn dev
And then open localhost:3000/room
in your browser.
Next steps
If you're new to LiveKit, you might want to read the following introductory topics:
- Learn more about what LiveKit is and how it works in the Intro to LiveKit.
- Learn more about rooms, participants, and tracks in Core concepts.
If you're looking to dive deeper into building your LiveKit app with React, check out the React Components reference section. There you'll find a comprehensive list of available components and React hooks, along with examples of how to use them.
If you're interested in building LiveKit apps with voice agents, see LiveKit Agents or check out the AI voice assistant quickstart.