start Foreground Service
A foreground service is generally required prior to startCapture for screen capture. This method starts up a helper foreground service that only serves to display a notification while capturing. This foreground service will automatically stop upon the end of screen capture.
You may choose to use your own foreground service instead of this method, but it must be started prior to calling startCapture and kept running for the duration of the screen share.
Notes: If no notification is passed, a notification channel will be created and a default notification will be shown.
Beginning with Android 13, the Manifest.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS runtime permission is required to show notifications. The foreground service will work without the permission, but you must add the permission to your AndroidManifest.xml and request the permission at runtime if you wish for your notification to be shown.
The identifier for this notification as per NotificationManager.notify; must not be 0. If null, defaults to ScreenCaptureService.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_ID.
The notification to show. If null, a default notification will be shown.