Package-level declarations
and VideoTrack
are the classes that represent the types of media streams that can be subscribed and published.
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A class representing an audio track.
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class LocalAudioTrack @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted name: String, @Assisted mediaTrack: AudioTrack, @Assisted options: LocalAudioTrackOptions, audioProcessingController: AudioProcessingController, @Named(value = "dispatcher_default" ) dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, @Named(value = "local_audio_record_samples_dispatcher" ) audioRecordSamplesDispatcher: AudioRecordSamplesDispatcher, @Named(value = "local_audio_record_samples_dispatcher" ) audioBufferCallbackDispatcher: AudioBufferCallbackDispatcher) : AudioTrack
Represents a local audio track (generally using the microphone as input).
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class LocalScreencastVideoTrack @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted capturer: VideoCapturer, @Assisted source: VideoSource, @Assisted name: String, @Assisted options: LocalVideoTrackOptions, @Assisted rtcTrack: VideoTrack, @Assisted mediaProjectionCallback: LocalScreencastVideoTrack.MediaProjectionCallback, peerConnectionFactory: PeerConnectionFactory, context: Context, eglBase: EglBase, defaultsManager: DefaultsManager, videoTrackFactory: LocalVideoTrack.Factory) : LocalVideoTrack
A video track that captures the screen for publishing.
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class LocalTrackPublication(info: <Error class: unknown class>, track: Track, participant: LocalParticipant, val options: TrackPublishOptions) : TrackPublication
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open class LocalVideoTrack @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted capturer: VideoCapturer, @Assisted source: VideoSource, @Assisted name: String, @Assisted options: LocalVideoTrackOptions, @Assisted rtcTrack: VideoTrack, peerConnectionFactory: PeerConnectionFactory, context: Context, eglBase: EglBase, defaultsManager: DefaultsManager, trackFactory: LocalVideoTrack.Factory, @Assisted dispatchObserver: CaptureDispatchObserver? = null) : VideoTrack
A representation of a local video track (generally input coming from camera or screen).
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data class LocalVideoTrackOptions(val isScreencast: Boolean = false, val deviceId: String? = null, val position: CameraPosition? = CameraPosition.FRONT, val captureParams: VideoCaptureParameter = VideoPreset169.H720.capture)
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A representation of a remote audio track.
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class RemoteTrackPublication(info: <Error class: unknown class>, track: Track? = null, participant: RemoteParticipant, @Named(value = "dispatcher_io" ) ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher) : TrackPublication
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class RemoteVideoTrack(name: String, val rtcTrack: VideoTrack, val autoManageVideo: Boolean = false, @Named(value = "dispatcher_default" ) dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, receiver: RtpReceiver) : VideoTrack
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16:9 Video presets along with suggested bitrates.
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open class TrackPublication(info: <Error class: unknown class>, track: Track?, participant: Participant)
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data class VideoCaptureParameter @JvmOverloads constructor(val width: Int, val height: Int, val maxFps: Int, val adaptOutputToDimensions: Boolean = true)
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interface VideoPreset
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16:9 Video presets along with suggested bitrates
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4:3 Video presets along with suggested bitrates
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