Local Screencast Video Track
class LocalScreencastVideoTrack @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted capturer: VideoCapturer, @Assisted source: VideoSource, @Assisted name: String, @Assisted options: LocalVideoTrackOptions, @Assisted rtcTrack: VideoTrack, @Assisted mediaProjectionCallback: LocalScreencastVideoTrack.MediaProjectionCallback, peerConnectionFactory: PeerConnectionFactory, context: Context, eglBase: EglBase, defaultsManager: DefaultsManager, videoTrackFactory: LocalVideoTrack.Factory) : LocalVideoTrack
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Add a VideoSink that will receive frames.
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Return the RTCStatsReport for this track, or null if none is available.
Calls the callback with the RTCStatsReport for this track, or null if none is available.
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Remove a previously added VideoSink.
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fun restartTrack(options: LocalVideoTrackOptions = defaultsManager.videoTrackCaptureDefaults.copy())
Restart a track with new options.
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If this is a camera track, switches to the new camera determined by deviceId
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A foreground service is generally required prior to startCapture for screen capture. This method starts up a helper foreground service that only serves to display a notification while capturing. This foreground service will automatically stop upon the end of screen capture.
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Stops the capturer.
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Switch to a different camera. Only works if this track is backed by a camera capturer.