
open class LocalVideoTrack @AssistedInject constructor(@Assisted capturer: VideoCapturer, @Assisted source: VideoSource, @Assisted name: String, @Assisted options: LocalVideoTrackOptions, @Assisted rtcTrack: VideoTrack, peerConnectionFactory: PeerConnectionFactory, context: Context, eglBase: EglBase, defaultsManager: DefaultsManager, trackFactory: LocalVideoTrack.Factory, @Assisted dispatchObserver: CaptureDispatchObserver? = null) : VideoTrack

A representation of a local video track (generally input coming from camera or screen).

startCapture should be called before use.



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constructor(@Assisted capturer: VideoCapturer, @Assisted source: VideoSource, @Assisted name: String, @Assisted options: LocalVideoTrackOptions, @Assisted rtcTrack: VideoTrack, peerConnectionFactory: PeerConnectionFactory, context: Context, eglBase: EglBase, defaultsManager: DefaultsManager, trackFactory: LocalVideoTrack.Factory, @Assisted dispatchObserver: CaptureDispatchObserver? = null)


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object Companion
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interface Factory


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var capturer: VideoCapturer
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var options: LocalVideoTrackOptions
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open override var rtcTrack: VideoTrack
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var sid: String?
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open override fun addRenderer(renderer: VideoSink)

Add a VideoSink that will receive frames.

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open override fun dispose()

Disposes the track. LiveKit will generally take care of disposing tracks for you.

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suspend fun getRTCStats(): RTCStatsReport?

Return the RTCStatsReport for this track, or null if none is available.

fun getRTCStats(callback: RTCStatsCollectorCallback)

Calls the callback with the RTCStatsReport for this track, or null if none is available.

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open override fun removeRenderer(renderer: VideoSink)

Remove a previously added VideoSink.

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fun restartTrack(options: LocalVideoTrackOptions = defaultsManager.videoTrackCaptureDefaults.copy())

Restart a track with new options.

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fun setDeviceId(deviceId: String)

If this is a camera track, switches to the new camera determined by deviceId

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open fun start()

Starts the track.

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open fun startCapture()

Starts the capturer with the capture params contained in options.

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open override fun stop()

Stops the track.

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open fun stopCapture()

Stops the capturer.

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fun switchCamera(deviceId: String? = null, position: CameraPosition? = null)

Switch to a different camera. Only works if this track is backed by a camera capturer.