Package-level declarations
Utilities to observe Room events and data flows.
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class DataHandler(val messageFlow: Flow<DataMessage>, send: suspend (payload: ByteArray, options: DataSendOptions) -> Unit)
A state holder for handling data messages.
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A representation of a message sent/received through LiveKit.
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data class DataSendOptions(val reliability: DataPublishReliability, val identities: List<Participant.Identity>? = null)
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Standard topics for use with rememberDataMessageHandler
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Creates a DataHandler that is remembered across recompositions. It listens to the specified topic and emits all the messages through DataHandler.messageFlow. Any messages sent through DataHandler.sendMessage will be sent on the specified topic.
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inline fun <T : TrackPublicationEvent> rememberEventSelector(publication: TrackPublication): Flow<T>
A utility method to obtain a flow for specific room events.
A utility method to obtain a flow for specific track events.