Package-level declarations

Composition locals to aid in development of Livekit features.


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Not to be confused with LocalParticipant.

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fun ForEachParticipant(participants: List<Participant>, content: @Composable (Participant) -> Unit)

A simple way to loop over participants that creates a ParticipantScope for each participant and calls content.

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A simple way to loop over tracks that creates a TrackReferenceScope for each track and calls content.

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fun HandleRoomState(state: Room.State, passedRoom: Room? = null, vararg keys: Any, onState: suspend CoroutineScope.(Room, Room.State) -> Unit?)

fun HandleRoomState(states: List<Room.State> = emptyList(), passedRoom: Room? = null, vararg keys: Any, onState: suspend CoroutineScope.(Room, Room.State) -> Unit?)

A simple handler for listening to room state changes.

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fun ParticipantScope(participant: Participant, content: @Composable () -> Unit)
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fun rememberLiveKitRoom(url: String? = null, token: String? = null, audio: Boolean = false, video: Boolean = false, connect: Boolean = true, roomOptions: RoomOptions? = null, liveKitOverrides: LiveKitOverrides? = null, connectOptions: ConnectOptions? = null, onConnected: suspend CoroutineScope.(Room) -> Unit? = null, onDisconnected: suspend CoroutineScope.(Room) -> Unit? = null, onError: (Room, Exception?) -> Unit? = null, passedRoom: Room? = null): Room

Remembers a new Room object.

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fun requireParticipant(passedParticipant: Participant? = null): Participant

Returns the passedParticipant or the currently provided ParticipantLocal.

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fun requireRoom(passedRoom: Room? = null): Room

Returns the passedRoom or the currently provided RoomLocal.

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Returns the passedTrack or the currently provided TrackReferenceLocal.

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fun RoomScope(url: String? = null, token: String? = null, audio: Boolean = false, video: Boolean = false, connect: Boolean = true, roomOptions: RoomOptions? = null, liveKitOverrides: LiveKitOverrides? = null, connectOptions: ConnectOptions? = null, onConnected: suspend CoroutineScope.(Room) -> Unit? = null, onDisconnected: suspend CoroutineScope.(Room) -> Unit? = null, onError: (Room, Exception?) -> Unit? = null, passedRoom: Room? = null, content: @Composable (room: Room) -> Unit)

Establishes a room scope which remembers a Room object which can be accessed through the RoomLocal composition local.

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Binds trackRef to the TrackReferenceLocal for the scope of content.