Package-level declarations

State functions for room/participants to use within composables.


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data class ParticipantInfo(val name: String?, val identity: Participant.Identity?, val metadata: String?)

Holder for basic Participant information.

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data class RoomInfo(val name: String?, val metadata: String?)

Holder for basic Room information.

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data class VoiceAssistant(val agent: RemoteParticipant?, val state: AgentState, val audioTrack: TrackReference?, val agentTranscriptions: List<TranscriptionSegment>, val agentAttributes: Map<String, String>?)


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fun Room.getTrackReferences(sources: List<Track.Source>, usePlaceholders: Set<Track.Source> = emptySet(), onlySubscribed: Boolean = true): List<TrackReference>
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fun Participant.getTrackReferencesBySource(sources: List<Track.Source>, usePlaceholders: Set<Track.Source> = emptySet(), onlySubscribed: Boolean = true): List<TrackReference>
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fun rememberAgentState(participant: Participant?): AgentState

Keeps track of the agent state for a participant.

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fun rememberConnectionState(passedRoom: Room? = null): Room.State

Returns the Room.State from passedRoom or the local RoomScope if null.

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fun rememberParticipantInfo(passedParticipant: Participant? = null): ParticipantInfo

Remembers the participant info and updates whenever it is changed.

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fun rememberParticipants(passedRoom: Room? = null): List<Participant>

Remembers the full list of participants, with the local participant included as the first item in the list.

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fun rememberParticipantTrackReferences(sources: List<Track.Source> = listOf( Track.Source.CAMERA, Track.Source.SCREEN_SHARE ), usePlaceholders: Set<Track.Source> = emptySet(), passedParticipant: Participant? = null, onlySubscribed: Boolean = true): List<TrackReference>
fun rememberParticipantTrackReferences(sources: List<Track.Source>, participantIdentity: Participant.Identity? = null, passedRoom: Room? = null, usePlaceholders: Set<Track.Source> = emptySet(), onlySubscribed: Boolean = true): List<TrackReference>

Returns an array of TrackReferences for a participant depending the sources provided.

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fun rememberRoomInfo(passedRoom: Room? = null): RoomInfo

Remembers the room info and updates whenever it is changed.

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fun <T : Track> rememberTrack(trackIdentifier: TrackIdentifier): T?

Observes the trackIdentifier object for the track.

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fun rememberTracks(sources: List<Track.Source> = listOf( Track.Source.CAMERA, Track.Source.SCREEN_SHARE ), usePlaceholders: Set<Track.Source> = emptySet(), passedRoom: Room? = null, onlySubscribed: Boolean = true): List<TrackReference>

Returns an array of TrackReferences depending the sources provided.

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fun rememberVoiceAssistant(passedRoom: Room? = null): VoiceAssistant

This looks for the first agent-participant in the room.