Connect Options
data class ConnectOptions(val autoSubscribe: Boolean = true, val iceServers: List<PeerConnection.IceServer>? = null, val rtcConfig: PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration? = null, val audio: Boolean = false, val video: Boolean = false, val protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.v13)
Options for using with Room.connect.
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constructor(autoSubscribe: Boolean = true, iceServers: List<PeerConnection.IceServer>? = null, rtcConfig: PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration? = null, audio: Boolean = false, video: Boolean = false, protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.v13)
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Auto subscribe to room tracks upon connect, defaults to true
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A user-provided list of ice servers. This will be merged into the ice servers in rtcConfig if it is also provided.
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the protocol version to use with the server.