Custom Components

We try to offer a comprehensive set of components that allow you to build something valuable quickly. But we are aware that it would be utopian to think that a limited set of components can cover all wishes and ideas. This is why we made extensibility and customization a central part of LiveKit Components.

React hooks

Almost every component is accompanied by a React hook with the same name, prefixed with the word use. For example, the ConnectionQualityIndicator is being built with the useConnectionQualityIndicator hook. The same hooks that are used to create LiveKit components can also be used for custom components.

Custom component example

The best way to see how easy it is to create a custom component is to give a quick example. Let's create a "CustomConnectionQualityIndicator" to replace the existing "ConnectionQualityIndicator".

The default indicator uses icons to indicate how good a subscriber's connection quality is, and we could use it like this:

<ParticipantName />
<ConnectionQualityIndicator />

This would display the name of the participant and the quality of the connection as a icon. Suppose that instead of an icon representation, we want a textual representation of the connection status. If a user Ana has a good connection quality, we want it to say "Ana has a good connection quality".

This can be easily achieved with a custom LiveKit component:

// 1️⃣ Import the react hook.
import { useConnectionQualityIndicator } from '@livekit/components-react';
// 2️⃣ Define a custom React component.
export function CustomConnectionQualityIndicator(props: HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>) {
* 3️⃣ By using this hook, we inherit all the state management and logic and can focus on our
* implementation.
const { quality } = useConnectionQualityIndicator();
// We create a little helper function to convert the ConnectionQuality to a string.
function qualityToText(quality: ConnectionQuality): string {
switch (quality) {
case ConnectionQuality.Unknown:
return 'unknown';
case ConnectionQuality.Poor:
return 'poor';
case ConnectionQuality.Good:
return 'good';
case ConnectionQuality.Excellent:
return 'excellent';
return <span {...props}>{` has a ${qualityToText(quality)} connection quality.`} </span>;

Now we can replace the default quality indicator with our new CustomConnectionQualityIndicator as follows:

<ParticipantName />
{/* Custom component: Here we replace the provided <ConnectionQualityIndicator /> with our own implementation. */}
<CustomConnectionQualityIndicator />

As you can see, it's super easy to create your own components in no time. 🚀


If you want to replace a component, as we did here. Often the quickest way is to copy the current implementation and use it as a starting point for your implementation.